Oisans Marketplace
In Oisans, you can book and pay for a wide range of tourist accommodation, activities, events, leisure activities and other services online, all year round, 24/7 and in just one click, thanks to the Oisans Tourism Marketplace.
At any time, from the comfort of your own home, and subject to availability, you can book a hiking outing, paragliding experience, yoga class, rafting outing or a table at a restaurant, either for yourself or as a gift for someone else. You’ll have a wide range of activities and services to choose from, across the entire Oisans region.
You can also ask for advice and then make bookings for all these activities and services, directly with the holiday advisors at the Tourist Offices in Villard-Reculas, Allemond, Bourg d’Oisans, Auris en Oisans, Besse and Saint Christophe en Oisans.
Contact us, we will be delighted to welcome you, provide you with information and advise you, for a successful stay guaranteed!